
The cross-sectional area parallel to the bases of the two figures above is the same at every level. Find the volume of the cone, to the nearest tenth.A.26.5 cm3B.44.2 cm3C.79.5 cm3D.132.5 cm3

Accepted Solution

Answer:B. Β 44.2 cm3Step-by-step explanation:we know thatIf the cross-sectional area parallel to the bases of the two figures above is the same at every levelthen the area of the base of the triangular pyramid is the same that the area of the base of the cone step 1Find the area of the base of the pyramid[tex]A=(1/2)[6*4.8]=14.4\ cm^{2}[/tex]step 2Find the volume of the coneThe volume of the cone is equal to[tex]V=\frac{1}{3}Bh[/tex]we have[tex]B=14.4\ cm^{2}[/tex][tex]h=9.2\ cm[/tex]substitute[tex]V=\frac{1}{3}(14.4)(9.2)[/tex][tex]V=44.2\ cm^{3}[/tex]