
the dimensions of a smaller rectangle are 3ft by 9ft the dimensions of a larger rectangle are 5ft by 15ft find the ratio of the atea of the smaller rectangle to the area of the larger rectangle

Accepted Solution

The ratio of the area of the smaller rectangle to the area of the larger rectangle is [tex]\frac{9}{25}[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:The formula of the area of a rectangle is A = l × w, where l and w are its dimensionsThe dimensions of a smaller rectangle are 3 ft by 9 ftThe dimensions of a larger rectangle are 5 ft by 15 ftWe want to find the ratio of the area of the smaller rectangle to the area of the larger rectangle∵ The dimensions of the smaller rectangle are 3 ft and 9 ft∴ The area of the smaller rectangle = 3 × 9 = 27 feet²∵ The dimensions of the larger rectangle are 5 ft and 15 ft∴ The area of the smaller rectangle = 5 × 15 = 75 feet²Let us find the ratio of the area of the smaller rectangle to the areaof the larger rectangle→ smaller rectangle  :  larger rectangle→ 27                           :  75Divide the both terms of the ratio by 3→ 9                             :  25The two terms of the ratio do not divisible by any other number∴ The simplest form of the ratio is 9 : 25∴ The ratio of the area of the smaller rectangle to the area of the larger    rectangle = [tex]\frac{9}{25}[/tex]The ratio of the area of the smaller rectangle to the area of the larger rectangle is [tex]\frac{9}{25}[/tex]Learn more:You can learn more about the ratio in brainly.com/question/10781917#LearnwithBrainly