
What is 1/15 Divided by 10/2?

Accepted Solution


How to calculate a division of two fractions? Let's use the problem "What is 1/15 Divided by 10/2?'' as an example. It is important to divided the problem into smaller parts. Our first fraction, the dividend, is 1/15 and the second fraction, the divisor, is 10/2.

We start by finding the numerator and the denominator of each fraction:

Numerator of 1/15: 1
Denominator of 1/15: 15
Numerator of 10/2: 10
Denominator of 10/2: 2

Then, we perform the calculation step by step:

Step 1: Multiply the numerator of the dividend (1) by the denominator of the divisor (2), which gives you the numerator of the result. Step 2: Multiply the denominator of the dividend (15) by the numerator of the divisor (10) to get the denominator of the result. Step 3: Put the answers from steps 1 and 2 together to form the fraction answer; \[ \frac{2}{150} = \frac{1}{75} \]

If we want to simplify our result to decimal form, we divide 2 by 150.

\[ \frac{2}{150} = 0.013 \]

So, 1/15 divided by 10/2 equals 0.013 in decimal form and 1/75 in fraction form.

Use similar method to practice on other division problems. Try out these examples:

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